North of Tucumcari, NM. Park isn't much to write home about. Lots of litter around the sites and fire pits. There's tons of burrs in the sites so we need to check the dogs paws after they've been outside as well as the soles of our flip-flops to prevent getting them in the carpet and then stepping on them while bare-footed (insert ouch here).
Just outside of Amarillo we drove by Cadillac Ranch. It's the place were someone has buried the front end of several Cadillacs with the remainder of the car jutting out of the ground at an angle. Silly us, didn't even stop for a picture, but trust me, we did see it, honest. A pretty windy drive today. Transmission was in 4th gear for much of the day so I wont expect stellar gas mileage from this tank. Wind must be a normal occurrence in that area or else they grow wind turbines as a cash crop, they were one after the other as far as you could see for miles on end. The highway was flat and straight and seemed to go on forever.The 1st part of the drive we saw primarily crop land and a couple of ginormous cattle feedlots (insert pee yew here). The latter part we saw mainly scrub land.
We'll head up I25N tomorrow but haven't picked out a stopping place yet. There doesn't seem to be many state parks along that route but we'll be looking for one between 150 and 200 miles out.
Oh, today was a good day. We added another hour to our lives with the time zone change.
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